Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Trip to West Virginia

2200 miles in five days...we must be nuts! Well, I am and poor Jon just gets brought along on these crazy adventures of mine. We left Dallas Thursday morning and headed east. We made it as far as Nashville, TN that night without any trouble. We arrived at North Bend State Park Friday around 5pm est, set up camp, changed to the off-roading tires and hit the trails with the Blue Ridge Land Rover Club at 7pm for the night run. The night run was very entertaining - lot's of playing in mud puddles. Around one in the morning we made it back to camp and crashed still with no dinner. Nine am we were back on the trails for another day of playing in the mud - great fun! The banquet that night was delicious and the club had rounded up enough raffle prizes that everyone received one which was a neat trick. For more details on this event, read the August Land Rover World for my trip report.

Sunday morning we broke camp and got back on the road home. We made it almost to Little Rock, Arkansas that day - 870 miles. We were bushed and the dogs were happy to get out of the Rangie. The next morning we headed to Texarkana on the Arkansas and Texas border to visit friend and Land Rover nut John Monahan. He showed us around his amazing old house, the town and his own personal LR museum - cool stuff. Very nice collection! We made it home by 2:30pm and were happy to finally get out of the rig for good!

Click here to see the pics - warning they were mostly taken through the Rangie window so they are not my best work but they give an idea of the area. The first few are of a police chase and take down we got stuck in the middle of just outside Memphis, TN. Too bad that we didn't think of sending them to a newspaper or news channel until it was too late - would have been fun to have a byline!


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