I guess there are a few benefits to being the signifigant other to a freelance photojournalist - you get to travel to exotic locals, enjoy meeting new and exciting people, assist in photoshoots and gathering information and sometimes you may even have your picture in the magazine. What no one realizes is the hardship you undertake as well, at least if the photojournalist is the Rover Chick!
First is offering to take your own Range Rover to an event because of how long of a drive it is to get to the off-road area and your '02 is a smoother ride then the Chick's old '91. Shouldn't be a big deal really until you are driving along in mud and your wheels slip out from under you, slamming your driver's door into a stump!
Then, while driving through a big mud puddle, both your fog lights are broken...oh, and did I mention the giant rock that hit the windshield in Charleston, WV?
Damage = one new windshield, two new fog lights, a new door handle and the time to take the dint out of the door!
And, when you do finally spend a weekend at home instead of driving all over the country, you are forced to repair not only the bits and pieces on your own rig but also the Chick's old Rangie! This shouldn't seem like a big deal either but with 250,000 miles on the old girl (the Rangie, not the Chick), the repairs seem endless. Plus, to add insult to injury, old oil leaks and lot's of dirty miles have made the job much more grimy then it should be! Notice the before (right side of the photo) and the after (left side of the photo) - much better! The list of repairs he has done on my old Kelsey in the last seven weeks is crazy - she is a new rig and should make the trip home to BC much more comfortably then the drive down here to Texas in April!
So don't think its all glamour when your partner is a photojournalist - a lot of time its just plain work!
And thank you, Jon! You are the very best!
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