Monday, April 30, 2007

SCARR 2007 Blindfolded Challenge

The dreaded obstacle course...right well, it was entertaining. For drivers with under a years experience, they did the course like you would expect. For drivers with over a year, they did it blindfolded with a navigator in the passenger seat telling them where to go...this was entertaining to say the least. I spent the afternoon drinking beer and taking photos. Near the end, I couldn't hold it any longer and had to go to the little girls outhouse and I missed this near wipe out! I can't believe it!!!


  1. Anonymous8:19 a.m.

    Glad to see you using the vids we posted. I'm still waiting on getting even more.

    Thanks for joining us at SCARR this year. I hope you can get all the dust out of your camera. I learned that it's easier to embrace the dust rather than fight it.

    Maybe I'll run into you at the National.

  2. The vids are great - I should post some of the emails I have received regarding them from non off road types. I think the best was on Scott's attempt at Clive's Ravine from Eric, my client in Philly who runs went something like 'Yo, that Rover video is crazy. Question - did he INTENTIONALLY go into that ditch?'...

    Great stuff!

    The camera survived but I am still finding red dirt around the house (note to self: next time unpack in one spot only, preferably on a tarp).

    I'll be at the National and as you know, hard to miss - the little chick with the huge camera! Not sure what I will be driving but I will definitely be there - see ya' there :-)

  3. Thanks for coming this year to SCARR!! That was myself (Steve - grey RRC) filming and Bryan (Green D90) who both dove out of the way. The driver was Vincent and I think it was his first time out, my favorite part of the video is JB asking what their time was and then his response when told it wasn't good enough!!!!

  4. Anonymous12:27 p.m.

    Hey now, I did exactly what JB told me to, "Gun it!", he said. I assumed we were pointing in the right direction.

    Steve can I have a copy of the rest of the video? Let me know on Texas Rovers (Member Name is "5spdSe7").

