First day ate through about 520 miles - not bad for the shake down day! There was a nasty head wind the entire way so that made it an exhausting 500 miles but oh well, it can only get better from here!
Carlsbad, NM looks like a great area to spend some time exploring and I wish I had some time to spend here. The whole drive was pretty and I wish I could have stopped to take some photos but between the wind and the dust, it was not really a photo day.
Carlsbad, NM looks like a great area to spend some time exploring and I wish I had some time to spend here. The whole drive was pretty and I wish I could have stopped to take some photos but between the wind and the dust, it was not really a photo day.
Except for this little cutie! 'Sass' is my neighbour dog. She is a 5 month old Pughuahua - an oops on the part of the breeder. Sweet, out going disposition and all she wants to do is come visit my side of the fence.
I am staying at the Carlsbad KOA -
Temperatures topped out about 39 degrees Celsius by the way - that's 102 Fahrenheit. Nasty! That kind of heat is enough to boil brain cells and thank goodness for swimming pools - this one saved my sanity tonight!
This is the campground firetruck - pretty neat, huh?!? Typical me - always looking at the vehicles.
Tomorrow I am aiming for Silver City, NM - a much shorter drive then today! It is supposed to be cooler there - mid 20s versus high 30s sounds like a nice break to me! So more tomorrow and I will try to take more interesting pics - couldn't shoot while driving today it was that windy!
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