I spent two weeks in Dallas in February and had a great time doing some photography while there. I spent a day in the Arts District with Dallas Photographer Kris Hundt. Kris has way more experience then I do so it was a wonderful way to spend the day. Half the photos in my gallery are more like tourist shots as I was so overwhelmed at the sheer size of the city and walked around in a bit of a daze the entire time.
After the downtown shoot, we headed out to White Rock Lake. Honestly, I do not want to get into what transpired (don't worry, nothing bad!) but if you are ever in Dallas and in a bit of a quandary about anything, swing by the lake and look for a gentleman with the sign 'free advice'. Guaranteed, the advice he gives you will be good and the experience will be one of those things you are not quite sure what to do with but glad you had it just the same.
I was in the sitting visiting my boyfriend so spent some time wandering around with him and his dogs. It was strange seeing Dallas so brown! Every other time I have visited the city has been green and lush so it was a shock to see all the grass yellow and dead. Very strange!
My trip ended all too soon and I did not get as much shooting in as I would have liked. However, I am down again in April for a longer visit and this time I will have my Rangie with me (2600 miles by Range Rover - should make for some great posts!).
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