Before I forget, I have started uploading pics to my gallery and boy, did I forget how how long it takes to deal with this many pics!
So last we left SCARR, I think JB was about to be sent to the registration desk and I got to go play on the trails with Arto Pullinen in his Disco, Sean Sweeney (thanks JB!) in his Range Rover Classic and Trigger (do we need any more than that?!? To me it is a name that says it all!) in his Defender 90.
This was my first real taste of Barnwell Mountain Rec Area and its incredible concentration of trails. In the matter of just a few hours, I saw more obstacles then at any other event I have attended in the same time frame. The idea of having a specific area maintained by various groups of off road clubs is an exciting one - this can't be the only one but it is definitely the largest I have ever heard of in North America.
Of course, they do everything big in Texas...

After a few hours, we found JB again and as I had to head back to the hotel to download pics and recharge my camera batteries. Imagine my surprise when he handed me not only a beer but also the keys to his P38! I guess he didn't want to be my official driver anymore but whatever, a Rangie as clean as his is a treat no matter what!
That was it for Friday unless you want me to talk about the construction/oil rig workers who partied until midnight and then were up again at 5am...they were fun ;-)
Saturday started off as every Land Rover event day should start - an unexpected meeting of why these events she gave the best quote of the weekend!
I was trying to find a cup of coffee worth drinking when a woman entered the breakfast room of the motel. Funny, she didn't look like a typical Land Rover enthusiast - she was older, a grandmother and had bought the Disco after seeing a Julia Roberts movie where she did the 'soccer mom' in a one. 'Africa' soon had rack, bush bumper, 2" lift and winch.
Quote of the weekend...."Every Grannie should have a winch!"
Definitely set the tone for the day!
Which I guess will be Part Four of this - time to watch the second period of the Canucks vs Anaheim game.
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