Monday, August 27, 2007

Queen Alexandra Hospital Car Show and Fund Raiser

This summer I seem to have developed a bit of an obsession - car shows. They are great to practice your photography skills because they don't move and yet are challenging because of the highly reflective bits (I ruin more then a few shots by having my image reflected back at me).

This particular show helps to raise money for an excellent cause - the Queen Alexandra Foundation for Children. My first exposure to the QA was volunteering for a summer somewhere around grade six with a bunch of kids from neighboring schools. It was quite the summer - we went everywhere with the kids most of which were wheelchair bound. It taught me a ton about the frustration of physical handicaps and the limitations of being stuck in a wheelchair. Granted, this was the late 70's and as far as I can remember, things were not quite as handicap friendly back then. At least society has evolved a bit since then!

The show was on the waterfront grounds of the hospital - a beautiful spot near the University of Victoria. The cars started on Clover Point, however, and convoyed along the waterfront drive to the QA where they were parked according to marquee. I spent a few hours there with a fellow photographer capturing what I could of the vehicles and a German Shepherd puppy that caught my attention (of course).

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Shanti's 3rd Birthday

My friend Duane, who I share, Shanti, a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever with hosted a birthday party for her and invited a couple of her friends over for the afternoon. Murphy, the Lab, and Lewis, a Shih Tzu cross, had a wonderful time but I think enjoyed the hamburger birthday cake the best. It was a fun day but why do we wait until a birthday to have a few of our canine friends over with their parents? Seems silly although maybe half the fun is dressing the dogs in birthday hats....

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Conquering Acrophobia in Colorado

Honestly, I am not afraid of heights but if I ever was, my recent trip to Montrose, Colorado for the Solihull Society's National Land Rover Rally would have either cured it or put me in the funny farm. With elevations topping 12,800 ft and ledges just wide enough for a Rover, this was not an event to take lightly. For proof, have a look at the pics.

It was a great weekend and as usual, the Solihull Society did an amazing job of keeping 160 odd Rovers and 320 people organized. Next year at Moab, UT, they are planning on 400 rigs for the 60th anniversary of Land Rover and most of us LR enthusiasts already have the dates blocked off on our calendars (Sept 16 - 20th).

For more on this year's event, pic up the December issue of Land Rover World or keep an eye on this Blog for more stories and information.

Note: LRW's September issue has the article on SCARR that I covered in April. I haven't seen it yet so I have no idea what it looks like or if they edited it down at all so be kind please!